Category Archives: Events

A Shared Heritage invites you to discover key people, places, & events associated with the history of African Americans in Erie County. Learn how they contribute to the economic, political, & cultural broader story of our region. Details below

A Shared Heritage invites you to discover key people, places, and events associated with the history of African Americans in Erie County, Pennsylvania, and learn how they contribute to the economic, political, and cultural broader story of our region. Sites on the Driving Tour include both existing structures as well as locations where physical evidence…MORE

Global Summit XII programs now available as FREE Video-on-Demand on JES Website!   

Programs from the recent Jefferson Global Summit XII Digital Summit speaker series are now available for live streaming on demand on the Jefferson Educational Society website,, and the Jefferson’s YouTube channel. All programs are free and available on the sites. The Jefferson hosted the free digital speaker series over a three-week period from May 10…MORE